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Autel MaxiSys Ultra vs MaxiSys 909 vs MaxiSys 919
Autel has a very wide array of tools from the cheapest code readers to top of the line diagnostic and repair tools. Although the differences between Autel scan tools is sometimes confusing, once you know which tool you need, the benefit of having so many options becomes clear: You pay only for the features you need, no more and no less.
Autel's top line diagnostic tools, the MaxiSys 909, MaxiSys 919 and MaxiSys Ultra are similar in many ways, but the MS Ultra is a cut above. When it comes to making a decision between the MS909, MS919, and MSUltra, we at feel that if you can afford the higher price tag of the MS Ultra you are usually better off buying a tool you know will fill all of your needs rather than saving money by buying a cheaper tool and regretting your decision down the line.
Here are the key differences between the MS909, MS919, and MS Ultra:
- Display Size: At 12.9" the MaxiSys Ultra has a larger screen than the 9.7" screen of both the MS909 and MS919
- Battery Capacity: The MS Ultra has a 20% larger battery capacity than the MS909 & MS919, but much of that power will be used to support the larger display size.
- Built-in Memory: The MS Ultra has double the built-in memory at 256GB vs. 128GB
- Docking Station: Only the MS Ultra includes a docking station
- Oscilloscope: The Oscilloscope of the Ultra is an upgrade over the MS919 and the MS909 doesn't include one at all.
- Price: The MS Ultra is more expensive and the MS Ultra software subscription is slightly more expensive
The differences are summarized in the following chart:
Here is the full comparison: